Monday, April 15, 2013

My Love-Hate Relationship with the Kitchen

    With Sean starting school and me looking at a part time job, I have to find something for breakfast! Last night while Sean was at work I got the crazy idea that I could cook. HA!
      I decided to try to make applesauce, tortillas, and granola bars. HaHa!!

Here is the applesauce recipe that I attempted.

Here is the granola bars recipe I tried.

And here is the tortillas that I killed.

Well let's just say that nothing really turned out how I thought it was going to/ how the recipe called for.

The tortillas were awful. They tasted like pure flour. Instead of using regular flour, I tried using whole wheat flour. It is better for you, but it turned out dry and awful.

The granola bars turned out harder than I thought they were going to be. I didn't have the right sized pan so I was going to try to make them into cookie sized granola cookies. 
Fail. They tasted like burnt honey. I wish they would have worked out, but many I will try again with a different recipe. 

I think the applesauce was the one I was hoping would work out the most. It looked soo good, but it was mushy and gross. I was really disappointed.

So, my relationship with the kitchen is not very strong right now. I go thru these random fails, where everything I make doesn't work out. I have since retried working in the kitchen and have made some pretty good stuff. I wish I would have been successful with the granola bars because those would make really good snacks, but that's okay. Maybe next time.

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