Today, I spent the day making his Valentine's Day gift. I put together a "Date Jar".
I put glitter on the ends of the sticks to make it easier to tell which date falls into which category.
Here are the dates:
At Home (Stuff You Have)
- Wii Competition: Pick a game and go for the gold
- Pinterest Food: Spend time browsing through the food section of Pinterest. Make one
- YouTube Date Night: All the funniest Videos
- Write a bucket list and make plans for at least one of them
- Plan your dream vacation together (Sight seeing, hotels, costs)
- Chopped challenge: pick up a basket of food and make what you can with it
- Chefs for the Night: Choose a hard recipe and attempt to make it together
- Rootbeer Floats and a Movie: pick a movie from home to go with your floats.
- Sundae Bar: Buy a gallon of ice cream and your favorite toppings
- Redbox Date Night: Get a movie out of the ordinary
- Board Game Fun: Pick a game and play
- Duck Date: Grab a loaf of bread and feed the ducks
- Childhood Books: Go to a bookstore and read favorite childhood books together
- Giving Back: Spend a night Volunteering or helping out
- Photo Vacation: Create photo proof that you went somewhere you didn’t
- House Hunters: Drive around in search of open houses, pretend to be a newly married couple in search for the perfect house
- Fly a Kite: buy a dollar kite and go to the park
- Dollar Store Gifts: Spread out and find each other 1 gifts
- Thrift Store Finds: Find the best deal under a set limit of choice
- Appetizers and Dessert Date: Go to your favorite restaurant for only Appetizers and Dessert
- Bowling. See who can get the best/worst score
- 3 Places and a meal: Try hitting a few different places. Have an appetizer in one restaurant, a main course at another, and dessert somewhere else
- Dinner and A Movie
- Animal House: Go to the zoo. Make sure to bring back a stuffed animal or something else to remember the fun trip with. Take Lots of rediculous photos together!
- Tourist in your town: Every town has some kind of tourist attraction, and most people in that town have never visited the ones right there. Make a day of learning about the little things in your town or a nearby town.
- Mini golf
- Find a museum
So first step is to make a list similar to the one above, you can add or change things that you and your significant other like to do together, or have done in the past.
- Glitter, Paint, Makers, Ribbon or whatever you want to use to distinguish groups
- Popsicle sticks
- Glue (if you are using glitter)
- Sharpie (to write the dates)

I had bought glitter for a Christmas present idea that never got finished. It had been sitting on top of the dresser since then, so I decided it needed to get used. Like I said, you can use anything to mark each group as long as you can distinguish the groups apart.
After I had gotten everything ready, came the messy part. Getting the glitter on the end of each Popsicle stick. I had glitter everywhere, but I got it cleaned up.
Then let the glue dry and there you go. When it is pretty dried you can start writing the dates on them, but be careful not to smudge it (I got glitter all over my hands.)
This is what the date sticks looked like after I was finished.
There. Another Pinterest Project complete and I would say that this one is success. I already gave it to Sean since he bought me two books for my Valentine's Day present (: {I only have 450 pages left in the second book he bought me on Monday.} Sean liked them. I still need to finish the jar for it, but all that consists of is placing ribbon around the top of it.
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