Monday, March 25, 2013

Make Your Laundry Soap and Use It Too.

      I keep looking for recipes to use for laundry soap, but the idea of grating an entire bar of soap just doesn't appease to me. (Awesome job mom for making laundry soap for the whole family for Christmas, I couldn't do it.)
        So I finally found a recipe after spending much time on pinterest looking for something that I didn't need a ginormous pot for, and I didn't need a grater and 3 hours of my life. 

Now, This is my Laundry Soap!!

3 Tablespoons Borax 
3 Tablespoons Washing Soda
2 Tablespoons Dawn Dish soap

Put these ingredients in a one gallon jug. 

Pour 4 cups boiling water into the jug. 

Swirl until ingredients are dissolved in the liquid.  Let liquid cool. 

Then fill almost to the top with cold water. The bubbles will overflow out of the bottle.

This is a super cheap way of making laundry soup.

A box of Borax (at Walmart): 3.38
A box of Washing Soda:       3.24
Dawn dish soap:                    .97

Total Cost:                             7.59

       We made two gallons of laundry soap and we still have almost full boxes of each. It barely takes ANY of the Borax or Washing Soda. This is such a great way to make laundry soap without having to try to grate a bar of soap. "Ain't NO ONE got time for that (:"

      We haven't used the laundry soap yet because we are finishing up what my mom gave us for Christmas, but laundry soap is SOOO expensive at the store. Every time we used to by it before, I would throw a fit in the isle because I didn't want to spend 8+ dollars on a 1 container of liquid soap. I am so glad we started making it ourselves. No more fits in the laundry soap isle (: Thank you mom for the 5 gallon bucket of homemade laundry soap for Christmas!!

When using homemade laundry soap we have a designated measuring cup for it that sits on our washer. We use about a 1/2 a cup to a cup of the homemade laundry soap (depending on the size of the load!)

I like the dawn soap because you can pick out a great scent which is the best part of making your own soap.

This is definitely a pinterest success! It looks was so easy and it smells good (at least now). I suggest making their own laundry soap who doesn't do it already! SO MUCH cheaper!

Okay, so there is my success for the week. Now I got to get the clothes washed! Blah! (:

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