DISCLAIMER: While my blog posts usually do not have this type of content, this is something I feel that it is important to put out there! If you do not want to read about it, then don't read the post. That being said, I tried to keep it rated at about PG-13. No pictures are included and these are all 100% my own thoughts and feelings.
DISCLAIMER 2: Also, if you haven't read the books, and I have spoiled part of a book for you, I am deeply sorry because I know how much book spoiling ruins a good book. I tried to keep a lot of the important details from the 2nd and 3rd book out of this post and tried to show it with most of the first book.
Reading for me is disappearing into an alternate universe. (Hint: Sometimes I really believe that it is books that helped me make it through my years in middle school and high school) It is an escape from reality, where you don't have to talk to people. I should really focus my blog on writing more book reviews, but then reading becomes a chore instead of my me time. Sometimes, I enjoy reading other people's book reviews because it gives me another insight as to how someone else perceived the book. I've read many books. I enjoy reading and I probably finish one, if not two books a week during the summer.
That being said, can you call it a book review, if you haven't read the book?
So many women are complaining about how bad
50 Shades of Grey is. Not the quality of writing, but the content. Things I have read from other bloggers:
It is causing women to lust for someone who is not their husband.
If their husband allowed them to read these books, she would be forced to let him watch porn. Because they are equivalent.
It is just proving that money and looks are extremely important.
Ana has really low self esteem and practically no self-confidence.
While many people consider these books "Mommy Porn," a lot of people say they are bad for your marriage or relationship. Most of the complaints that I have heard are from people who admit that they haven't read the book. That they refuse and that there is nothing anyone will ever say that will change that.
How many people have never read a Nicholas Sparks or Danielle Steel? How many people haven't watched a movie with a make-out scene and thought about how good looking a guy is?
Here are 10 things I learned from
50 Shades of Grey that the non-reading book critics won't tell you: