Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Cooking Oil instead of Air in a Can!!

     Sooo.. I am starting to try to bake more (trying more pinterest stufff...) and I was in need of non-stick cooking spray. Cooking spray can get so expensive and it has a ton of added chemicals and such... Not a fan.. So I thought I would give this a try. I got the instructions from this blog post.

1 part oil
5 parts water
Spray bottle (preferably misting)

Here is the ending result: 

Yes, It is settled, because it settles within 3 seconds of shaking it up. You almost have to spray it in between each shake... Bummer..

My opinion of the product: I'm not really sure what I think about it yet. I don't like that I have to shake it really well between each spray.. but I did it and it seemed to work.
I used it for making scrambled eggs (baked in the oven) in muffin tins for my egg muffin look alike, which can be found HERE.

I think, for now, I like it. It is quick and easy to make, and I don't have to spend a fortune on a little air filled can with a little bit of oil. (Plus, every time I am at wal-mart I forget to buy it anyway, that is until I need it again.)

I consider this a Pinterest Success. It helped me save money. AND I don't have to worry about all of the chemicals in the can of air and oil. Woo!

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