Wanna watch it?! Go Here! Life is crazy.. and it's super crazy how fast time flies.
Well, a few days after graduation, Grandpa Roy laid down in bed and hasn't really gotten up since. His body is shutting down and we all know it. It has been the hardest week in that way. I spent a good part of Monday and Tuesday out on the farm sitting by grandpa's side and just waiting for the news. I came to one conclusion.. Life isn't fair. My grandpa has done so much for me and I don't know how I could ever put it into words.. so I'm going to leave it at what I have said. He is a great man and I was very sad to say goodbye yesterday when I left there farm. I knew when I was leaving that it would be the very last time I would see him.
That being said. Leaving for AIT was the hardest thing I ever had to do. Knowing that I have no idea what I have gotten myself into. As my Drill Sargent said today, "AIT is either going to be exactly like basic or exactly like college." [without the drinking/partying/going home on weekends]

With all of this being said, I want to thank everyone for reading my blog. I want everyone to go and hug your family members. I want you to apologize to the ones you don't talk to. And stop judging and holding grudges toward the ones that don't make the best decisions.
People try their best to make their life perfect, they have these images of what their life will be like when they are older.. (I know I am still young) but this goes for those who read this that are younger than me:
Love your parents, because you never know when they will be gone. Not only am I losing my grandpa, but my mom is losing her father... I can't even imagine losing my father. He has done so many great things for me in my 18 years of life. Thank you, Dad.
Love your siblings, because they will always be your friend, they will always be around. Luke (I know won't read this, but to all my siblings, my life would not be the same without you guys.)
Love every moment that you have with your friends and family.
But most importantly, love high school and being young, because being grown up isn't what it is cut out to be.
I am gonna wrap it up, but as I sit in the hotel getting ready to leave. I realize how great my life really is. Thank you to everyone who has been a part of me growing up to be the woman that I am.
To my Aunt Lisa, who I am sure will read this, stop crying. (: I love my entire family. Thank you
My goal is to get to post some this summer so you all know what is going on with my life down at Ft. Lost-In-The-Woods, Misery. But I don't know what privileges I will have yet. Soo keep an eye out for them.
If not, see you all in 10 weeks.