Setting up My Happiness Project.
Okay, so if you missed the last blog you should check it out!
The last few days I have been doing some research trying to figure out the specific things that make people happy. I have come up with a list and tried separating them into months that correspond with the events within that month.
I will start my entire plan on April 1st and end it on March 31st of next year. The goal is to spend an entire year focusing on the different aspects that make you happy, then taking the last month to try and apply all of them, or the ones that really worked for you.
In the book, she creates the 12 commandments. These are set up for when she can't figure out what is making her do something or for when she is struggling the most. These are also things to look at when figuring out what to do each month. Each thing can go back to one of her commandments in some way. This is great for when you just don't want to do anything.
I made my own commandments, and took a few from her list because they seem to fit.
1. Be Me.
2. Happiness depends on me.
3. Stop waiting for happiness.
4. Get it done!
5. People love me, no matter what.
6. Lighten up and laugh it out
7. Don't keep tabs on people.
8. Enjoy what you are doing/ live in the moment
9. Let it go.
10. when it doubt, smile.
11. Don't over think things.
12. Be flexible with change.
13. And courtesy of my AIT sergeant. When you can't do anything else.
Drink Water.
Now, those are kind of the things that are set in stone. Things I either need to improve on, but also things that I need to remember when I start to struggle.
She also has the "Secrets of Adulthood" These are a handful of things that kind of sum up a lot of things in one statement. They are things that people don't always want to admit, but oftentimes are things that hold very true in times of need.
1. She who dies with the best memories, wins.
2. People don't pay as much attention as you think they do.
3. It is okay to ask for help.
4. You don't have to be good at everything.
5. You don't have to DO everything.
6. You don't have to like everyone, but you should be nice to everyone.
7. Love your body, it's the only one that you will get.
8. Learning never stops.
9. When everything else seems to fail, laugh it off.
10. Life lessons are repeated until you learn how to do them.
11. Time heals everything.
12. People wait all week for Friday, all year for Summer, and all of life for happiness.
13. Objects don't bring happiness. People bring happiness. Memories bring happiness. Success brings happiness.
14. Sometimes, it is okay to eat dessert before your meal.
15. Awesome things will happen today, if you choose not to be miserable.
16. Sometimes, you just need to pull your big girl panties up and deal with it.
I really like these. It kind of sums up all of life in 16 phrases. In every situation, at least one of them will apply and help you find hope in the problem that you are having.
So here I am, getting ready for April 1st. Wish me luck.
My question for today is..?
What is your secret to adulthood or your cliche phrase that helps make each and every day better?
Or what did one of your family members used to say to help make you feel better, or give you hope/courage to make it through the day.
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