April has truly flown by. I can't say that I did very good at my happiness project this month. There were a lot of days that I didn't run, mostly because I was sore from the day before or had a crazy schedule. That is truly one thing that I need to get better at is making time for the real things that I need to do, and doing them when I do make the time.
I did do a pretty good job making sure that I walked every day. I watched my steps and I could tell when some days were hurting compared to others, but I did it. I was more actively aware of how far a building on campus was from where I am and if I walked to that building I would have enough steps. I often times took the long way around just so I got more steps. I found myself challenging myself to get more steps than just the goal of 10,000, especially on the days that I ran. I found myself constantly checking to see how close I was to my goal, or how many steps I got from going the long way instead of cutting across the campus. It may not seem like much, but I did feel healthier at the end of the day.
I kind of gave up on the eating clean half way thru the month because the dining hall has very limited options and I found myself eating the same things day after day. This is something that I plan to try again after I am cooking in my own kitchen. I felt so much healthier while I was eating clean.
It was a crazy hectic month anyway, but I ran sprints with one of the guys from my unit, then ran them by myself. After I failed my pt test I have kicked it in gear to get myself to work more on my run. I have a PT test Saturday afternoon and I know I am going to kick that runs butt this time. The guy from my unit is running as my pacer. I ran it in 18:42 on Monday, so I am determined to take off another 40 seconds at least. My best time every is an 18:07, so I am personally determined to beat that, but passing would be great.
I know I am not going to make weight on Saturday, but I know that I am going to make it after South Africa because we are going to be walking so much. I am determined to make weight right away when I get back from the trip, even if it means going in to SSG Rinehart's office on the way home from the airport to weigh in. I have lost 4 pounds since last drill, which I would say is pretty good since that was only two weeks ago.
I am determined to never see the numbers 150 on the scale again after I get down. I want to make weight for the rest of my military career without having to worry about it. I want to be able to eat chocolate if I want to and not worry about if I gain a single pound. Right now it is a stress about gaining one pound, but after this. I am going to be healthy. I want to start walking more often instead of taking my car places that I don't need to do.
Tonight, I met with the girls from South Africa at a restaurant downtown and I walked there from campus instead of going to get my car! Woo! I'm pretty proud of myself.
So. Does being healthy mean being happy? Yes and No. Being healthier did make me happier, but not for the reasons I thought it would. I had more energy on the days that I ran and ate healthy. On days that I choose to eat crap for food and felt too lazy to run.. I wasn't as energetic and happy on the feeling like crap days. I have found that some little things make me feel better about my health though. I started doing body workouts every day and I feel like I have toned a little more than I was. I hope to continue to be healthy in the next few months.
So what does the next month bring...?
This month is about crossing things off on my bucket list. Creating memories and capturing them. I am going to put together scrapbooks and I want to make some kind of a smash journal, which I haven't quite figure out yet, but bring it on.
Missed the first couple posts?
Check them out right here!
Question of the day??
What is your favorite thing that you have done or the favorite memory that you have captured over the years?
Let me know with a comment or a message! I love to hear your feedback!! Thank you!
This Crazy, Tragic, Beautiful, Wonderful, Life. When you stumble upon my crazy beautiful life, share a little about yours in a comment on a post you enjoyed! I really appreciate it! "The days are long, but the years are short." Enjoy life as it happens! -Quoted from The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin!
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Wednesday, April 30, 2014
Wednesday, April 16, 2014
Bucket List Number Two

When my grandpa was in his last few days of life, he pulled me aside and told me not to work too hard, because life goes by way too fast and you won't be able to do all the things that you want to do in life. He told me that there were a lot of things that he wished he had time for.
After he passed away, I made myself promise that I would do as many things as I could, without worry about cost (to an extent), time, or other people's worries. I have made a long bucket list of all of the things I want to do before I graduate college and have been slowly crossing things off this year. I have crossed off Colorado, Arizona, and Wyoming as places that I have traveled to. I crossed off volunteering in an animal shelter, because we did that on spring break. Today, I crossed off making homemade ice cream with my mentor. One step at a time, I have been crossing things off. I have been working on reading my entire library, but the problem is that it just keeps getting bigger.

Okay. Mom, wipe your tears from your eyes and continue on..
I wrote a bucket list last summer while I was at AIT, but I quickly finding myself thinking of so many other things that I want to add to it. (If you haven't read the first list, it is right here.)
Now, this isn't really a bucket list.. its more like.. a Degree list. all the things I want to do before I graduate college and start to settle down.
So here are the additional things that I want to do:
Write a book
Max my PT test
Make play-doh
Make thank you cards for my professors
Spend a day at the lake
Go to the Zoo
Take a paddle boat ride
Go hiking
Take a nap in the grass
Donate Plasma
Put messages in balloons and release them
Watch all of How I Met Your Mother
Create an awesome smash journal
Go for a midnight swim
Skinny Dipping (just to say I did)
Jump in a pool fully clothed (Like in the movies)
Learn to play a song on the piano/ or guitar
Go on a cruise
Spend an afternoon in a hammock
Bake in the middle of the night with someone special
Go to a spa
Get a professional massage.
Get my nails done with my mom
Play messy twister
Fill water guns with paint and have a "water fight"
Work from home.
Go to a drive in movie.
Stand under a waterfall
Play paintball
Kiss at the top of a ferris wheel
See the Grand Canyon
Make my own dress for an event/party
Pay off my student loans
Sleep in front of the Christmas tree
Decorate my home office with quotes and lyrics
Take a train somewhere
Learn how to solve the bottom of a Rubik's Cube
Drive across the entire country
Eat Fried Oreos
Eat 3 things on a stick in one day (State fair, here I come!)
Randomly pay someone's restaurant bill
There are so many other things that I want to do with my life, but I want to accomplish as many things as possible before I graduate, so I can start settling down and marking things off on my future husband and kids bucket lists.
So the question for the day is...
What is the thing that you look forward the most to doing on your bucket list?
Let me know!
Tuesday, April 15, 2014
10 College Tips Coming from a Girl Who Didn't Rush!

10. Get Involved and Find a club that fits your personality.
Clubs are a great way to make a ton of new friends. Most universities have clubs for pretty much anything you could possibly think of. UNL has a club for the upgraded treatment of squirrels. When I say anything, I mean ANYTHING! If it's not out there, you can probably start it.
I know personally I was not interested in rushing. I didn't want to be involved in the Greek Life, which is fine. Joining clubs and going to the meetings are a great way to make a good network between friends. These friends may be in some of your future classes and could possibly end up helping you out quite a bit in the future. It is also good to make some friends outside of your high school besties, especially if your friends chose a different college like mine did.
While I am talking about getting involved, many universities have clubs for each major. Join it if there is one! You will learn valuable experience about what not to do when it comes to class load and may even find someone in your classes that you know to study with. Making a network of people you can rely on always helps!
I went on a spring break trip with Students Today- Leaders Forever. Best decision ever. I made a ton of great friends that I see all over campus during the week. All of them are friendly and fun and I am so glad that I went!
9. Schedule your own classes to your liking.
If you like mornings, and I mean you get up early on Saturdays and Sundays because you can, then go for morning classes. It is a great way to finish your classes for the day by noon and have the rest of the day to do what you want. If you struggle to get out of bed at 8:30 for high school, and sleep til noon on the weekends, afternoon classes aren't always bad thing. 1st semester my earliest class was at 10:30 on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday and at 9:30 on Tuesday-Thursday. But I was often in class until 3:15. This semester I have class at 8:30, three days a week and the other two days are well after 10. It is a great balance because some days I am out of class early, and some days I have the mornings to get stuff done.
I say do what you want, but the biggest thing I recommend is be out of class by 12 or 1 on Fridays. You will thank me.
8. Try to make friends with your roommate.
My roommate, who was very awesome, was a random assignment at the beginning of the year. (Sorry Alie if you are reading this) She was a VERY blonde, Texas, Cheerleader who was rushing in the fall. When I first saw her on Facebook, I knew that we were going to have absolutely nothing in common. I didn't like her. I didn't care to. I didn't want to get to know her. I was very close minded walking into the room on move in day. After about half of the semester, we were best friends. We had one strong night of bonding over grocery shopping and board games and ended up being super close after that. She ended up moving back to Texas after the semester and now I miss her like crazy!
I didn't believe that I would gain any weight when I came to college. I figured that I exercise enough, I can eat fast food 2 or 3 times a week and pile my plate up with pizza in the dining hall. Who cares. That weight comes fast. I gained the freshman 15 and then some in the first semester and I am still fighting with it well into the spring semester. Believe me when I say, it goes on a lot easier than it comes off.
6. Take classes that don't necessarily go with your major.
5. Meet with your adviser at least once your freshman year.
For my major, there was a class called Career Planning in Psychology that was required for my degree. It was a one credit hour class taught on Wednesday afternoons that was taught by my adviser. This was GREAT! If your major doesn't have one, I am truly sorry. This class helped go through the options for psychology majors as well as recommended classes. Your adviser can do most of the same things in a meeting that we did in class.
Good questions to ask about are things that would set you apart from other people with the same major. What are good groups to get involved in on campus and off campus to help build your resume for future jobs that you may be interested in. Always ask if they have any contact information for possible jobs or interns that you could get in the future.
Also, go in with questions about the wide variety of things you could do with your degree, because I was truly surprised by the list of things to do with a college degree.
4. Take your grade seriously from day one of the class.
Be ready to jump right into assignments and material. College classes go by very fast and only meet a few times a week, so professors often jump right in. Don't take the first couple weeks lightly. This stuff will still be on the test and you will kick yourself when it comes time for the test. Once you do poorly on the first test, it is often hard to bring you grade back up to where you want it to be. Many classes only have a handful of grades during the entire semester.
Because I worked my butt off first semester of freshman year, I ended up getting a scholarship from the school for my academic achievement. This scholarship made it so I have no student loans for next school year. You never know what could happen as a result of your good grades.
3. Don't Be THAT girl.A lot of girls get involved in this as they come to campus. They make new friends and have this belief that there is nothing else to do on weekends, or week nights (Thursdays mostly). Don't be that girl in the Friday morning classes that spend the entire time talking about how she doesn't remember last night. Be classy, because other people who don't drink, find it very annoying to listen to how you lost your shoes, phone, and purse last night. Also, if you do drink, please don't be all over the guys around you. It's also not classy, and no one wants to watch. Please. I beg you.
Also, be safe about your drinking. Pour your own drinks- ALWAYS. Don't put your drink down if you are at a place where there are a ton of people. And don't drink until you pass out or throw up. I, personally, don't understand what people think is fun about drinking until you throw up.
2. Make a friend in every single one of your classes.
This is a tip that someone else gave me and I have found it very useful for many reasons. When you pick a seat on the first day, even if you know the class is going to be hard, sit towards the front. This often guarantees that you will be next to someone who is very interested in the class, or that studies hard. In this case, make sure that at some point in the beginning of the semester, find a way to get their name and email address.
No matter how great of a student you are, there will come a day when you just don't feel like going to class. Or you are sick. Or you have to be gone for some reason. If you do, email that person. If you notice they are gone, email them you note first without them asking. They will return the favor when you need them to. This person also can make a good study partner if you are needing one.
1. Organize, Organize, Organize!

Unless you have a mild case of OCD or are "Type A" personality, I don't expect anyone to do as much as I do, but in your last few months of high school, practice with what works for you. Once your figure out what works for you, there will be no worry of forgetting to do an assignment.

Day 15 of Happiness!

I have downloaded a pedometer app on my phone that DRAINS my battery. Every time I turn around I am plugging my phone into my charger. But I am surprised at the amount of activity I do on some days compared to others.
Mondays are the days that I walk the most.
Sundays are the days that I walk the least (at least so far)

On the days that I run, I usually have about 5000 extra steps compared to the days that I don't, and I definitely feel better when I do. (Mega Plus) If I don't run, I try to take the long way to where ever I am going on campus.
I have eaten more servings of fruits and vegetables in the last 15 days than I think I have in the last 18 years. Also sad. I find myself craving an apple or an orange. I had a plum in the dining hall one day. I've eaten watermelon with a couple meals, and fresh blueberries. YUM.
Matt and I went on a date last Friday night and I definitely felt sick as I ate my first bites of supper. Only 3 days of eating really healthy and I thought I was going to be sick. Awesome, but a huge road block for a fun date.
I feel so great when I eat healthy and it is definitely making me happier and more easy going as I am feeling the results of weight loss and not feeling as bloated after I eat.
I started off with a bed time routine of shutting my phone off and reading for 15 minutes before bed, but that quickly went out the window as impossible to follow and not realistic to continue at home. At home, I pretty much crash when I am ready.
Call us cheesy, but when I am at the dorms, Matt and I usually fall asleep on the phone together. Yeah. Make fun now, but I think its cute and I quickly realized that I now am used to falling asleep talking to him, so it is really weird to fall asleep without him. After I do fall asleep, I don't look at my phone at all in the middle of the night. I used to check it for the time, but I have put my iHome in my dorm so I always have the time without checking my phone. GREAT! (:
I have tried to run everyday, but there are some days that I choose to do other workouts that have been suggested by the people in my unit, but that are also accumulating on my pinterest boards.
One of the workouts that I have done with my unit was a High Intensity Interval Training which incorporated 20 seconds of an exercise and 10 seconds to move to the next station. Sounds easy. Right.
You would be surprised at how much I was sweating as well as how sore I was afterwards.
So here is the honesty. I failed my PT test and height weight at drill this weekend. That really made me struggle to continue with my happiness project after that one. I struggled and I spent a lot of time thinking about it.
When I sat down with my commander after I found out that I failed height weight, he wanted me to create an action plan to follow to get my body fat percentage and my weight down. Awesome..
I told him everything that I had been doing for my happiness project this month and told him that I would be ready for it at May drill. I am gonna pass both h/w and my pt test at May drill. Sitting down with him to create the action plan was exactly the determination that I needed to continue with my happiness project. I am hoping that it will help.
I have made a calendar that is posted on my board behind my desk with my stickers. For each goal that I have, there is a different sticker color. So when I complete that goal for the day, I put that color sticker on my calendar to show the good days and bad days.
So am I happier? It is far too soon to tell, but I can tell that working out and eating right down make me feel better overall!
So my question for the day...
What is your favorite way to burn some calories and get some exercise in (whether you consider it exercise or not)
Let me know what you think!
I have tried to run everyday, but there are some days that I choose to do other workouts that have been suggested by the people in my unit, but that are also accumulating on my pinterest boards.
One of the workouts that I have done with my unit was a High Intensity Interval Training which incorporated 20 seconds of an exercise and 10 seconds to move to the next station. Sounds easy. Right.
You would be surprised at how much I was sweating as well as how sore I was afterwards.
So here is the honesty. I failed my PT test and height weight at drill this weekend. That really made me struggle to continue with my happiness project after that one. I struggled and I spent a lot of time thinking about it.

I told him everything that I had been doing for my happiness project this month and told him that I would be ready for it at May drill. I am gonna pass both h/w and my pt test at May drill. Sitting down with him to create the action plan was exactly the determination that I needed to continue with my happiness project. I am hoping that it will help.
I have made a calendar that is posted on my board behind my desk with my stickers. For each goal that I have, there is a different sticker color. So when I complete that goal for the day, I put that color sticker on my calendar to show the good days and bad days.
So am I happier? It is far too soon to tell, but I can tell that working out and eating right down make me feel better overall!
So my question for the day...
What is your favorite way to burn some calories and get some exercise in (whether you consider it exercise or not)
Let me know what you think!
Monday, April 7, 2014
Here is the South African Plan
Think back to early elementary school. Probably your social studies class very very early in Social Studies when you learned about the equator, the different hemispheres, and the different climates of these hemispheres.
Remember that moment when your teacher said that opposite hemispheres have opposite seasons. I don't. Well. I had a flashback during my South Africa Itinerary meeting today. It was like on an episode of That's So Raven from when I was young, when she has a "vision" and all time stops.
When I go to South Africa, It will be winter and it will be cold. I can start returning all of the dresses that I have purchased for the trip in the last week. Oops.
Oh well, the dresses will be there when I get back, I suppose.
We will be gone for 16 days. We will have 6 "class periods" 3 volunteering days. Go on a Safari, a cable car, a hike, a beach, see the seals, have dinner in nice restaurants, having dinner on the waterfront, go to plays, and "clubs," go on a wine tasting, visit Robben Island which is home of the Prison where Nelson Mandela was imprisoned, stay with a South African Family, go to the archives, read 4 books and write a 8-12 page paper. And somewhere in there we will be going shopping, museums, and the night life.
Holy Cow. Deep Breath.
I can do this. I'm a college kid. I don't need sleep.
All of these things sound like so much fun and the trip will be great. I met 4 of the 5 other people that I am going on the trip with tonight and they all seem great. My roommate for the hotel is 24, so there will be plenty of knowledge to here from her. Excited that everything is starting to fall together.
Thank you for everyone who has donated towards my trip. I wouldn't know what to do without each and every one of you.
Bring on the fun loving, tourist, photographer that I am.
Remember that moment when your teacher said that opposite hemispheres have opposite seasons. I don't. Well. I had a flashback during my South Africa Itinerary meeting today. It was like on an episode of That's So Raven from when I was young, when she has a "vision" and all time stops.
Oh well, the dresses will be there when I get back, I suppose.
We will be gone for 16 days. We will have 6 "class periods" 3 volunteering days. Go on a Safari, a cable car, a hike, a beach, see the seals, have dinner in nice restaurants, having dinner on the waterfront, go to plays, and "clubs," go on a wine tasting, visit Robben Island which is home of the Prison where Nelson Mandela was imprisoned, stay with a South African Family, go to the archives, read 4 books and write a 8-12 page paper. And somewhere in there we will be going shopping, museums, and the night life.
Holy Cow. Deep Breath.
All of these things sound like so much fun and the trip will be great. I met 4 of the 5 other people that I am going on the trip with tonight and they all seem great. My roommate for the hotel is 24, so there will be plenty of knowledge to here from her. Excited that everything is starting to fall together.
Thank you for everyone who has donated towards my trip. I wouldn't know what to do without each and every one of you.
Bring on the fun loving, tourist, photographer that I am.
Friday, April 4, 2014
College Dining Hall Rules.

Now that you had a good laugh for day. You can finish reading my post!
So this week was the first week back from spring break. I started thinking back to the eating habits that I developed when I came to college. NOT GOOD.
I was straight out of AIT. Before I left Ft Leonardwood, I was weighing about 140. Mine was closer to a freshman 20 by the end of the first semester and I wasn't even drinking and partying with the rest of them. I couldn't believe how fast I had let myself gain the weight, and I kicked myself for it every day. But I am finally doing something about it.
At this point, most people are probably thinking, how do I lose that 15-20 lbs?
With this month being all about physical fitness and nutrition in my happiness project, I have been eating "clean" When I say clean, I don't necessarily mean all of those clean pins on pinterest. I have adapted it to my own rules because I live in the dorm and it is so hard for me to make my own food. I am pretty limited to the options of the dining hall.
1. I will eat any fruit or vegetable that doesn't have anything added to it. This mostly includes fresh fruit (the dining hall had peaches, watermelon, grapes, and pears this week!) I also take an apple, orange, or banana to go with me so I have something to snack on in between meals. Vegetables normally include anything that the dining hall has put in a microwave and called "steamed."
2. I eat one piece of meat. This gets a little tricky because I don't want to eat a lot of added stuff with my meat, but I am not apposed to spices and whatever they cook it in because otherwise I would starve! This typically includes chicken, or hamburgers (just the burger, sometimes I put tomato slices on it), sometimes they have fish, but it often sits in too much butter so I try to avoid it. For people who don't want to be this extreme, I would suggest one serving of a main course dish from the dining hall.
3. Eggs. Breakfast Every morning! I eat 3 hard boiled eggs, which I often cut into kind of an egg salad in a bowl so it feels like I am eating more than I am. Scrambled eggs are good, but I am not sure how the dining hall makes them, so that makes me a little unsure for my project.
4. I don't eat any of the pasta, potatoes, fried foods, sugary cereals, or tortilla wrapped heart attacks that the dining hall offers. Your body doesn't need processed carbs because if you are eating enough fruit, your body is getting the natural sugars from the fruits.
5. If I must eat a salad, which I avoid just because it seems so clique and boring and I am never full from it. But if I must, I add chicken and lots of vegetables. I also use the lemon slices in the dining hall for a dressing. It gives it a zesty taste, with no preservatives and only a few, if any calories.
6. The one thing that I do eat that is not necessarily clean (depending on the pinterest website you are on) is cottage cheese. I do it for the added calcium that I am not getting from other foods. I don't eat any other dairy products.
7. I have two "cheat" meals a week so Matt and I can still go out on dates and so I can still go to Grandma's house. Lord knows you don't make it out of Grandma's house eating vegetables without a little (or a stick) of butter added to them.
8. I drink a glass of water right away when I wake up. I have a cup with a straw that I fill up at breakfast and sip on til lunch, where I fill it up again, and sip on it til supper. I don't focus on how much I drink while I am running around during the day, but I try to finish the cup before the next meal. Then after supper I try to finish most of it. If I go for a run at night I normally finish the cup off before my shower. Then I drink a glass before I crawl in bed. I would estimate that in total I drink about a gallon of water everyday.
9. I ALWAYS!! ALWAYS!! am carrying at least one piece of fresh fruit, if not two with me in case I get hungry. This way I don't give in to the vending machine blues or end up eating something in the union.
10. Skip the coffee unless you drink it black. Starbucks is not doing your body any favors. Invest time to get a good nights sleep and if that can't happen, take a 20 minute nap every time you get too tired to focus. You will wake up relatively refreshed because your body needs about 20 minutes of sleep to function for about 2-3 hours (I don't suggest this, I have just heard that it works.) Any longer than 30 minutes, but not 3-5 hours is going to leave you tired and in a fog. (Again. NOT supporting this idea.) I try to get a good 7-8 hour night sleep. I go to bed at 10:30 and wake up at 6:30, but if your class load is worse than mine. Go for it.
Now, I have heard this diet referred to as clean or the paleo diet.. but I don't know about either of these specific trends. I know that these are the rules that I have set for myself.
Now... Does it work.
On April 1st, I weighed myself and I weighed 153.2..
Today, just three days later, I weighed myself and weighed 151.4.
Now, I can't say that it is just the diet, because I have been running every day and doing sit ups and push ups. But even before I started the diet when I was trying to run every day, I wasn't seeing any weight movement on the scale. I guess we will see what then end of the month brings to the scale. The pedometer that I downloaded on my phone has really opened my eyes to how much I am actually going. I hope I can match, or at least get close to the numbers that I am getting during the week when Saturday and Sunday comes!
My question for the day:
What is your favorite workout song..? Favorite workout?
Let me know by commenting, messaging me on facebook, or commenting on the link.
If you have missed any of my other happiness project posts, catch up here!
Thanks for reading!
Tuesday, April 1, 2014
To the First Month of Happiness!
It is here already. Today marks the start of my happiness project. As I sit here, I am nervous. I am excited. I am already a little overwhelmed.

Today, I made my check sheet to mark my resolutions and track how well I am doing with my resolutions. I would say that so far today I am doing good. Half a day down. 29 and a half to go!!
If you have missed any of the other posts about my happiness project, you can read them all here.
Question for the day:
What is your favorite, non processed, healthy snack?
Let me know about your snack by sending me pictures, emailing me, or commenting on my blog post or link!
Thanks for reading!
Research states that some of the happiest people are the
ones that are healthy. Exercise has been shown to cure, or at least relieve
some of the symptoms of depression, sleep apnea, poor sleep quality, and of
course diabetes and heart problems. It has also been linked to lower stress, decreased heart rates, and lower risk of breast cancer.
As my
happiness project goes on, much of it will purely be educating myself using
books to read some of the research about why each aspect is so important. This
month I will be reading The Exercise
Cure, Lose Weight without Dieting, Drop Dead Healthy and maybe some other books.
- I am going to set up a great workout plan that I can actually stick to.
- I am going to spend time doing some research about getting a better nights sleep.
- I am going to pass my PT test the 2nd weekend in April (Coming up sooo fast)
- I am going to start an awesome clean eating diet. With 2 cheat meals per week. This means for two meals a week I can have something that is processed, but the rest of it will be clean eating. It's only for a month, and who knows maybe I will like it.
- I am going to do push ups and sit ups at least 3 times a day. (probably during study breaks, for 30 seconds at a time)
- I am going to get a pedometer and find someone to compete with for who can take the most steps in a day. This makes it a little more fun than just walking. Plus, I walk so much on campus that it isnt even funny.
- I am going to take the steps instead of the elevator unless I am carrying a ton of stuff (bags/ laundry basket upstairs)
There. These are my goals. this is all the things I am going to be doing. I am also going to keep an excel spreadsheet of my resolutions to track which ones I keep regularly and which ones I struggle with so I can work on those more. I am going to print it out and put star stickers on it as a reward to myself, but also as a way to track the things that I am doing in order to make myself happy, but to see if it makes me happier or not.
My goal is to post about once a week if not more to let everyone know how I am doing with my progress, but also how I am doing workout wise.
I started off my morning by arguing with myself to get out of bed at 7:10, but once I decided that I was going to weigh myself this morning, I was up and outta bed. I needed to figure out the damage that spring break had done to my weight loss. If you haven't read about my spring break you can do it here. You could see how that would easily ruin my weight loss progress. We weren't getting a lot of sleep, and we were eating a lot of fast food. I was guessing that I had gained about 10 pounds over spring break.
This morning when I got on the scale, I was scared for the results. As the numbers flashed, I prayed that it wasn't as bad as I was thinking it was. When the numbers came up, I saw that I had lost 1.5 lbs. I was shocked. I was certain that I had gained a few, but instead I lost!
I started off my morning by arguing with myself to get out of bed at 7:10, but once I decided that I was going to weigh myself this morning, I was up and outta bed. I needed to figure out the damage that spring break had done to my weight loss. If you haven't read about my spring break you can do it here. You could see how that would easily ruin my weight loss progress. We weren't getting a lot of sleep, and we were eating a lot of fast food. I was guessing that I had gained about 10 pounds over spring break.
This morning when I got on the scale, I was scared for the results. As the numbers flashed, I prayed that it wasn't as bad as I was thinking it was. When the numbers came up, I saw that I had lost 1.5 lbs. I was shocked. I was certain that I had gained a few, but instead I lost!
11 days til my PT test! Woo!
Today, I made my check sheet to mark my resolutions and track how well I am doing with my resolutions. I would say that so far today I am doing good. Half a day down. 29 and a half to go!!
If you have missed any of the other posts about my happiness project, you can read them all here.
Question for the day:
What is your favorite, non processed, healthy snack?
Let me know about your snack by sending me pictures, emailing me, or commenting on my blog post or link!
Thanks for reading!
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