April has truly flown by. I can't say that I did very good at my happiness project this month. There were a lot of days that I didn't run, mostly because I was sore from the day before or had a crazy schedule. That is truly one thing that I need to get better at is making time for the real things that I need to do, and doing them when I do make the time.
I did do a pretty good job making sure that I walked every day. I watched my steps and I could tell when some days were hurting compared to others, but I did it. I was more actively aware of how far a building on campus was from where I am and if I walked to that building I would have enough steps. I often times took the long way around just so I got more steps. I found myself challenging myself to get more steps than just the goal of 10,000, especially on the days that I ran. I found myself constantly checking to see how close I was to my goal, or how many steps I got from going the long way instead of cutting across the campus. It may not seem like much, but I did feel healthier at the end of the day.
I kind of gave up on the eating clean half way thru the month because the dining hall has very limited options and I found myself eating the same things day after day. This is something that I plan to try again after I am cooking in my own kitchen. I felt so much healthier while I was eating clean.
It was a crazy hectic month anyway, but I ran sprints with one of the guys from my unit, then ran them by myself. After I failed my pt test I have kicked it in gear to get myself to work more on my run. I have a PT test Saturday afternoon and I know I am going to kick that runs butt this time. The guy from my unit is running as my pacer. I ran it in 18:42 on Monday, so I am determined to take off another 40 seconds at least. My best time every is an 18:07, so I am personally determined to beat that, but passing would be great.
I know I am not going to make weight on Saturday, but I know that I am going to make it after South Africa because we are going to be walking so much. I am determined to make weight right away when I get back from the trip, even if it means going in to SSG Rinehart's office on the way home from the airport to weigh in. I have lost 4 pounds since last drill, which I would say is pretty good since that was only two weeks ago.
I am determined to never see the numbers 150 on the scale again after I get down. I want to make weight for the rest of my military career without having to worry about it. I want to be able to eat chocolate if I want to and not worry about if I gain a single pound. Right now it is a stress about gaining one pound, but after this. I am going to be healthy. I want to start walking more often instead of taking my car places that I don't need to do.
Tonight, I met with the girls from South Africa at a restaurant downtown and I walked there from campus instead of going to get my car! Woo! I'm pretty proud of myself.
So. Does being healthy mean being happy? Yes and No. Being healthier did make me happier, but not for the reasons I thought it would. I had more energy on the days that I ran and ate healthy. On days that I choose to eat crap for food and felt too lazy to run.. I wasn't as energetic and happy on the feeling like crap days. I have found that some little things make me feel better about my health though. I started doing body workouts every day and I feel like I have toned a little more than I was. I hope to continue to be healthy in the next few months.
So what does the next month bring...?
This month is about crossing things off on my bucket list. Creating memories and capturing them. I am going to put together scrapbooks and I want to make some kind of a smash journal, which I haven't quite figure out yet, but bring it on.
Missed the first couple posts?
Check them out right here!
Question of the day??
What is your favorite thing that you have done or the favorite memory that you have captured over the years?
Let me know with a comment or a message! I love to hear your feedback!! Thank you!
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