Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Making Fitness Goals

I have always struggled with the motivation to lost weight. I know that I could do it if I actually just focused and put a good amount of effort into it, but every time I start, I seem to lose it pretty quickly. It is super frustrating.

I have decided that by my 20th birthday. I want to be at my goal weight. I want to make these fitness goals.

That gives me 128 days. a little over 18 weeks to accomplish my goals.

I know I am relatively healthy, but I want to be more. I want to be at my optimal goal weight and be able to continue with the things I want to do.

Today, I started my challenge off with a 3 mile run. I got up when Matt was leaving for work instead of sleeping the extra hour that I could have, and went for a run on the path that we typically go on walks. Just as I walked inside from my run, it started down pouring. That just shows that if I were to sleep that extra hour, I wouldn't have gone for a run.

Things I am going to do to accomplish these goals:

  • Count my calories every day. 
  • 1 "cheat day" per week (must stay reasonable)
  • Eat healthier snacks 
  • Complete the #1500in31 challenge and continue with the other challenges that they have
  • Go on walks
  • Go buy a pair of 5/6 jeans from Maurices and hang them in the front on my closet.
  • For every 5 pounds that I lose, I get small reward
    • A BRAND NEW book (150)
    • A new Wii game (145)
    • A pedicure (140)
    • A weekend away with Matt  (135)
    • A day at the spa (130)
  • Workout in the mornings/ go for a walk/swim at nights.
Also, as far as the rewards go, if I successfully complete the #1500in31 days, I am rewarding myself with a FitBit Bracelet. I have been putting off buying one since March now and I really want one still. But I must earn it. Also, a new pair of tennis shoes will be in there some where as a reward.

I am going to do this by December 13th. I know that I have rewards to 130, because that is always going to be my ultimate goal, but small goals at a time! I am ready to start this challenge, again. But for the last time. 

What are you doing to stay healthy? What goals do you have for your fitness?
Check us out for another Weigh In Wednesday!

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