It seems the worst part about leaving is getting everything organized. We already booked our hotel and that stuff. But packing clothes, food, electronics, and all of that stuff just seems to be the biggest pain of going on vacation. I will admit tho. We are doing it smart and we are packing food and drinks so we don't have to stop at a gas station for snackage. (Gas stations are often 2x the price that you will find at walmart)
The week before I will spend time trying to find car games, entertainment for the hour car 11 ride, food ideas, and packing lists so we can easily get out of here and not drive each other crazy. 11 hours is LONG time to spend in a car, but it is about 500 dollars cheaper than flying.
Snacks! I EAT in the car, mostly because I am bored, but road trips make me hungry.
This is my plan for food. I want to try to stay on the healthier side of things. I don't want a TON of calories added because I get bored in the car.
Cereal Trail Mix (Fruit Loops, Cheerios, M&Ms, Pretzel Sticks, , and butterscotch chips)
Nuts [Which were bought and cracked ourselves]
Dried Fruit (Bought Produce, Dried myself.)
Shelled Peanuts (For when we have a salty craving)
String Cheese
Cracker and easy cheese
Beef Jerky (Splurge)
Chocolate Donuts (For in the morning, on the road)
I will probably end up throwing what is left of our apples, oranges, and bananas from last weeks grocery shopping in the cooler so they don't go bad while we are gone.
I am going to pack a loaf of bread, some cheese, and a thing of lunch meat to go with us on our trip. Although we do plan to stop somewhere for breakfast so we can stretch since nothing will be open other than food that early in the morning.
Sean WILL not and CAN not go without his diet coke, but gas station pop is SOO expensive. I plan to buy a 2 liter of pop and stick it in the cooler. We are gonna buy two little water bottles that will fit into the cup holders. That way he can refill without having to stop. Me, I'll probably just fill my water bottle up at a water fountain when we do stop. I'm not really a pop drinker.
Now, we have downloaded music for the car ride and I have made the playlist. Talking in the car is fine, but you can only say so much between Beatrice and Cincinnati. Now, a lot of these are little kid games, but adults can have fun with them too.
Licenses Plate Game- Try to find a plate from each state. Print out a US map and color each state as you find it. Then write where you are when you see it.
Who Can find It?- Someone says something totally random, nothing in site (ie a yellow jeep, a red ford truck) Then you look for it. The person to find that item it "it" and they name something else.
People with Kids:
If you are crossing multiple state lines (or multiple hours), have little bags ready, each containing a small snack, a book, and a new toy. At the stateline, or hour mark, the kid gets a new bag. This keeps them from burning out on what they brought in the first hours of the trip.
Use Tackle boxes to pack serving size snacks, but tell them that this is all they get for the car ride, so they better make it last. This helps kids not over eat and parents see what they like. It can contain anything from chocolate chips, dried fruit, a cookie (oreos), animal crackers, fruit snacks or string cheese.)
I personally love being a tourist because I LOVE my camera. I can honestly say that is where my creativity started. Either way, I hope to take many pictures. I would LOVE to take some pictures with Sean, because I'm pretty sure we have two pictures of us together. So that is my goal for the trip. I plan to bring my tripod and lots of batteries/ memory card! I am looking forward to this.
Planned stops:
I am a planning freak. So I want to know where we are stopping and what will be there. I have spent time planning to stop about every 2 hours. Kind of having an idea if there are any cool tourist stuff around there, and as much as I don't like it. A lot of it will probably be Oh! look at that sign. Let's go. I don't want to spend a ton of time out of the car, but 11 hours is a long way to just drive.
So we shall take turns picking a couple places, since we will be going near Indianapolis, Sean wants to stop by the race track for pictures. I can't wait to create my scrap book for this trip!
Lincoln's Tomb? 15 Minutes out of the way
Indianapolis Speedway
Local Resturants in these places.
All of these ideas were gathered from pinterest and other blogs or from what my parents used to do when we went on the road. These are our plans for our road trip, (even though by the time I post this I am already in our hotel room.)
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